...If you listen carefully you can hear my SCREAMS as the dancers perform the 'black hole' scene in the contemporary dance, Ulysses Unbound... Worry not, it's all part of the ethereal score Composed by Tim Mountain. The American voice over at the beginning of the film was actually provided by a Scientist !

Where was it performed?
The ballet was performed at various locations throughout the UK, North to South including The Royal Ballet School, Birmingham. Filming took place at two locations, the Royal Ballet School, Birmingham and The Swan Theatre Worcester. Link to promo film and Chantry Dance Co.
We had four camera operators for Ulysses, to capture just the right shot. As we wanted to give an authentic impression of being propelled through space, we used a drone to film some of the internal, red planet shots and spaceman footage. It gives you feeling of flying through space... It wasn't easy with GPS turned off. You really do have to be a skilled operator to fly drones in a Theatre !
So... what is Ulysses Unbound all about?
"The last astronaut has left a dying earth in search of a new home. In a thrilling cascade of stunning characters, costumes and imagery, he witnesses the birth of a new star and finds himself on an alien world, populated by very alien creatures - one of which he forms a strong bond with.
This extraordinary ballet combines an exciting original soundtrack with contemporary ballet danced by an exceptional international cast. Through the fascinating choreography the dancers interpret cosmic events, from the evolution of a star to the formation of a deadly black hole." extract from Chantry Dance Co.
Full Ballet of Ulysses Unbound
For the full ballet see our Vimeo site: https://vimeo.com/evenlodefilms/evenlode-films-ulysses-unbound. For those really interested, my screams are 31- 35 minutes into the show - if you want to zoom forward... to enter the black hole.. at your peril !
Choreography: Paul Chantry & Rae Piper Design: Rae Piper Lighting Design: Antony Hateley Dance Director: Gail Gordon
Film Production: Evenlode Films
Composer: Tim Mountain
Article written by: Catherine Mountain

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